Anti-Aging in Toledo

What is Photoaging and How Can It Be Helped?

We get it, the last thing anyone wants to hear about is a different way of aging. The good news is photoaging isn’t exactly a different way of aging AND we can all take steps to fight and even reverse the effects of photoaging! So what is photoaging? Is it different from the idea of aging in general? 

Let’s find out. 

What’s the difference between photoaging and normal aging?

Each person has a unique natural aging process. Genetics and lifestyle are the major contributing factors to the aging process. Photoaging is premature aging directly caused by repeated exposure to UV. If you aren’t protecting yourself from the sun, you’re contributing to premature aging via photoaging.

When unmitigated, it can make someone look 20 years older than they really are. That’s why the number one thing you can do for your skin is wear sunscreen! 

How to reverse photoaging

While wearing sunscreen and avoiding exposure are the best ways to avoid photoaging in the first place, not all of us were young enough to get the memo about sunscreen until we were already covered in freckles and spots! 

Fret not, sister. Photofacials and laser facials like Halo treatment in Toledo work quickly and effectively to reverse photoaging and restore your fresh complexion. 

Reverse photoaging at Blush Aesthetics!

We don’t attract patients from all around the globe for nothing! Blush Aesthetics is the premier dermatology med spa for all northwest Ohio and southeastern Michigan because we provide the best treatments and service. Our aestheticians are thrilled to offer Halo laser treatments in Toledo as well as BBL photofacials and a variety of other incredible skincare treatments! Use our virtual consultation tool now to see if these treatments could help you, or give us a call or text at 419.520.7546 to speak to an expert!

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