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Why do you need a med spa care plan?

For the best results, there are no “one-and-done” med spa treatments (unless you have one and decide you’re done, of course). When you want to achieve noticeable rejuvenation and anti-aging without invasive and expensive surgery, it takes time. Med spa care plans allow you and your provider to visualize the road map to a younger you.

Skin maintenance in your 20s

Patients in their 20s typically want to enhance the quality of their complexion while fending off signs of aging before they start. After your first series of treatments, maintaining your healthy new glow is simple!

Basic maintenance would include something like BBL Hero and Red Carpet facials twice yearly. Baby tox touch-ups can be included, too. For younger patients who want to tackle stubborn scars, microneedling is an incredible add-on for maintenance. Another great option for maintaining a bright complexion is scheduling monthly DiamondGlow® facials.

Skin maintenance in your 20s

Patients in their 20s typically want to enhance the quality of their complexion while fending off signs of aging before they start. After your first series of treatments, maintaining your healthy new glow is simple!

Basic maintenance would include something like BBL Hero and Red Carpet facials twice yearly. Baby tox touch-ups can be included, too. For younger patients who want to tackle stubborn scars, microneedling is an incredible add-on for maintenance. Another great option for maintaining a bright complexion is scheduling monthly DiamondGlow® facials.

Scrolling Cards

Animated component.
Content on left sticks to browser while user scrolls and the cards to fade up into view.
Background wave assets stick while user scrolls as well.

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