Treatment type:
Body Services
Sessions needed:
Results duration:
6-12 Months

Body Sculpting in Toledo

Sculpt Your Bod

What's body sculpting for?

Stubborn Fat
Some fat doesn't respond to diet or exercise; body sculpting can help.
Lessen the appearance of dimples caused by cellulite.
Loose Skin
Tighten loose skin anywhere on the body.

Finally feel confident in your contours

You exercise and watch what you eat because you want to look and feel your best. What do you do when you’re burning fat at the gym but not around your hips? And what if none of your efforts are improving the appearance of cellulite? Women and men alike struggle with stubborn fat, and that’s where you can turn to a treatment like body sculpting! In Toledo, people turn to Blush Aesthetics and our effective use of various aesthetic technologies for body contouring.

pale pink colored wavy shape

What happens after body sculpting?

After body skin tightening, expect your skin to be slightly red and swollen for a couple of days. That said, most patients have no problem returning to their normal activities after treatment.

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How it Works

01. Consultation
Beginning with a skin analysis, health history, and current skin care regimen, we work with you to learn all about your top concerns.
02. Determine Treatment
Equipped with the info gathered during your consultation, we decide what treatment(s) support your goals. If we decide body sculpting is right for you, we can get started!
A picture of a chair in a med spa in Perrysburg
03. Treatment
During your treatment, we will target unwanted pockets of fat and give you the trim look you’ve always wanted.
04. After Care
After your treatments are complete, we like to follow-up to take progress photos. You can always ask us about additional ways we can help you look and feel your best.

Why visit Blush for body sculpting in Toledo?

Our team uses only tested, advanced technology to provide safe, effective body sculpting treatment.
We can cover large areas of the body with minimal treatment time!
While we can cover large areas, it’s also able to focus on small, sensitive, and hard-to-reach areas of the body.

Body sculpting FAQs

Get Started

You don’t have to navigate the wide world of aesthetic treatments alone! We’re here to help.